Purley Language College

Teaching English since 1928

Environmental Policy

Purley Language College and Hazel Residence are environmentally-conscious establishments that acknowledge the reality of climate change and other types of environmental damage and the need for urgent action.

Purley College a greener place to study

We therefore actively seek to reduce our impact on the environment in every way possible.

Purley Language College is a long-established and trusted language school attracting students of all ages from across the globe to travel to the UK to study in its South London premises and stay with nearby host families or in Hazel Residence 2 doors away.

Solar panels on Purley College school


As many of the College’s clients live in far-away countries, it is inevitable that these clients will most likely elect to travel by air. It is at present difficult to envisage how this could be avoided.

At present the College has an inclusive daily dropoff/pickup service usually by car from/to host families for all students under the age of 18. This end-to-end service ensures the safety of students who are unfamiliar with the local area. The College at present can see no viable alternative.

The College is housed in a building constructed in 1899 with solid walls and a mixture of double, secondary and single glazing. It is therefore relatively inefficient by modern standards and is likely to remain so even with adjustments such as better insulation and glazing.

The Residence is housed in a building constructed around 1934. It underwent complete renovation, improvement and extension in 2014 and 2015 during which improving the building’s energy efficiency was a major factor. The energy efficiency of the building was rated just below C on the A to G scale in December 2015 with no potential for further improvement. The assessment however did not acknowledge the installation of roof insulation, a heat recovery system and solar panels; if it had done so the overall rating would have been better.