Teaching English in London since 1928

How fast can I learn?

Data loading:

The data shows how many weeks our students need to move up to the next level. This is based on actual live data from the school's online testing system.

The numbers in the dials show how many weeks students at Purley need to get to the next level in different areas of English.

These numbers are based on real student test data and are updated automatically.

Data for grammar improvement is based on students taking the same multiple choice test at the beginning and at end of their course.

Data for speaking improvement is based on the oral interview at the start and at end of the course.

There are 6 levels in total in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR):

A1 - beginner/elementary
A2 - pre-intermediate
B1 - intermediate
B2 - upper-intermediate
C1 - advanced
C2 - proficiency

Please remember everyone progresses at a different speed and that progress may get quicker or slower at different stages of your language learning.

At Purley we constantly look for ways to help students progress faster and get to their individual learning goals faster.

Contact us

AddressPurley English Language College
34 Brighton Road, Purley, Surrey
London CR8 3AD, U.K.
Whatsapp College Whatsapp: +44(0)7773 450961
Email email: contact@purleycollege.com

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